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Showing posts from August, 2021

What's The Same In New York Since 1989   As of this weekend, I have been in New York for 32 years. They say you become a "New Yorker" after 10. I suppose I am New York to the 3rd power?  Last week I had one of those sensory memories walking to a client meeting in the August humidity. While crossing 5th Avenue, the heat, the noise, and the smells transported me to another late August day back in 1989, pounding the pavement with "The World's Heaviest Briefcase" looking for a job.  It made me stop and smile. A lot has changed since then of course. I certainly have. But a few things remain the same here. I've made a list of what's the same for me since those early days:  WHAT'S THE SAME IN NEW YORK SINCE 1989  * There's another pandemic now, just as misunderstood and misappropriated by political interests.  * Rent is still "Too damn high" as one upstart political party used as a battle cry about 10 years ago. Except for rare blips, rents go up exponentially.  * You al